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Millennium, to the international conference of the Federal University of Paraiba
Millennium, has participated to the international conference held from September 4 to 6 at the Federal University of Paraíba, in the city of João Pessoa (Brazil).
The conference, focused especially on the foundations of the theory of geopolitics, on the relationship between it and the philosophical field, on the need for multipolar global order and on the development of the "fourth political theory", was attended by the founder and president of Millennium, Orazio Maria Gnerre, alongside the philosopher and theorist Alexander Dugin, the professor of the University of Sao Paulo, André Martin, the scholar and essayist Mateus Azevedo, and the expert in geopolitics Edu Silvestre de Albuquerque.
The topic covered by Orazio Maria Gnerre was "The sacral conception of the spaces": from the symbolic and archetypal interpretation of geography to the highest geopolitical categories.
The meeting...
Opšti izbori na Kubi počeće formiranjem skupština u 169 opština. Nakon toga, počinju izbori delegata 15 provincija i poslanika Parlamenta.
Državni Savet Kube zakazao je opšte izbore za oktobar tekuće godine, kako bi se izabrali predstavnici na lokalnom i državnom nivou.
Prema zvaničnom dokumentu koji je objavio kubanski dnevni list Granma, Državni Savet je odlučio da se se izbori održe 21. oktobra 2012. Drugi krug izbora je zakazan za 28.oktobar, u slučaju da nijedan od kandidata ne osvoji više od 50% glasova.
Prema tekstu, raspisivanje izbora je uskladu sa Ustavom Kube i zakonom br. 79 o Izborima, od 29.oktobra 1992.
Proces će početi izborima za formiranje 169 lokalnih skupština, dok će nakon toga biti izabrani predstavnici 15 provincijskih skupština i poslanici Narodne Skupštine.
Skupština je najviši državni organ i njeni predstavnici biraju članove Državnog saveta...
Our solidarity with Bolivarian Venezuela
Dear friends,
First of all our greetings from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP),
We are now also involved in the struggle to defend the right of the Venezuela´s people to have fair and transparent elections, without the intervention from the government of the United States of America. For this reason we are inviting you to visit the web site and join us to support their rights. There you will find a declaration in spanish, english and french so we would very much appreciate you to promote among our friends this declaration and the web site itself.
Thanks once again in advance for counting on your support.
In solidarity,
María Aleida Del Riego
Europe Division
Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples
(Direct link to sign of support)
Our solidarity with Bolivarian...
Saradnja i razumevanje između Milenijuma i KOmunističke Partije Srbije
Imajući u vidu zajedničke stavove dva politička pokreta u vezi sa neophodnošću reorganizacije globalnog geopolitičkog poretka na multipolarnoj osnovi, suprotstavljanjem padanja balkanskog sektora pod uticaj NATO-a, odbacivanjem kulturnog i političkog imperijalizma koji je nametnut od strane SAD-a, podrškom državama koje nisu usklađene sa unipolarnim sistemom, a koje su mete spoljne destabilizacije, Millennium i Komunistička Partija Srbije uspostavljaju odnos razumevanja i saradnje.
Srpski i italijanski radnici i intelektualci napreduju zajedno ka novoj socijalističkoj perspektivi ekonomskog, socijalnog i kulturnog poretka.
Sekretarijat Milenijuma
Sekretarijat Komunističke Partije...
10th Congress
Date: 1August 2012
Subject: Invitation to the 10th Congress of CPB (11-13 October 2012)
Dear Comrades,
We have the pleasure to inform you that our party is going to hold its 10th Congress on 11-13 October, 2012 in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh.
The Congress is going to be held at a time when high rate of inflation, unemployment, curtailment of trade union and democratic rights have increased the sufferings of the toiling masses and when the imperialist...
CPP's press statement of condemnation of the targeted killings in Pukhtoonkhwa province
The province, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, is confronting an unprecedented magnitude of religious fanatic doom. Presently, attacks against the security institutions and public officials have a bit mitigated ,but targeted killings of the progressive, democratic political workers, literary persons ,intellectuals and artists has greatly intensified .
The audacious targeted killing of Ms Ghazala Javaid, a popular Pashtoo singer, and of Ms Farida Afridi, a human rights, democracy campaigner and women education motivator, at broad day light in the provincial capital Peshawar, are the grievous examples of this devastating situation in the province, in particular and across the country in general .
The Communist Party of Pakistan strongly condemns this coward heinous killing of these two innocent women, and expresses heartfelt solidarity and offers condolences with the bereaved families...