pet, jan

Communist Parties - Communist Party of Pakistan
In view to resist the fast drifting of Pakistan towards a Taliban tyrannical, violent state : the Communist Party of Pakistan founded a progressive committee of  left progressive political parties (SPC-Sindh Progressive Committee ),which include WPP ,CMKP ,APP,JSM ,LBP and some other left progressive regional parties ,in order to combat forcefully for the rights of working class and raise joint voice and actions over series of  other currently burning  issues ,regarding prevailing absolute lawlessness ,sky rocketing inflation ,rising self immolations ,suicidal attacks ,target killings of the progressive political activists ,kidnaps of the religious minorities men for hi ransoms and theirs young girls forceful conversion to islam , heinous massacres of the Ahmadi and Shai muslim communities ,rising religious bigotry ,extremism ,talibanization ,demonization of indigenous cultural values and languages and capitulation of the state’s 3 most powerful institutions i.e. ,civil ,judiciary and military establishment ,into the hands of Jehadist mafia .
Today on 17th April ,2012 the SPC ( Sindh Progressive Committee ) organized a spectacular protest rally in Hyderabad  Sindh  expressing solidarity with the victims of Hindu minority community in Sindh on their plight of daily kidnaps for hi ransoms, brutal murders and their young girls kidnaps and then forceful conversions to Islam as well  demanding separation of religion from the affairs of...
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Caracas, April 11, 2012 (Telesur, Prensa Latina) - Ten years after the failed coup d'état which the Venezuelan business leaders, backed by theUnited States, perpetrated against President Hugo Chavez, similar threats loom over the stability of this South American country.

On a day like today, 2002, representatives of the most conservative sectors of the oligarchy, supported by some senior army officers, kidnapped the constitutional president ofVenezuelaand took power in the culmination of an intense destabilizing campaign waged months earlier.

Fierce persecutions against ministers and leaders of the Government and also against supporters of Chavez broke out immediately, while the then President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce ofVenezuela(Fedecámaras), Pedro Carmona, took over the presidency.

In addition to minor economic interests of the...

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Mariano Rajoy's right wing conservative government is copying Britain in their "Cuts Agenda" they will unveil measures on tomorrow to save tens of billions of euros.

Road, rail and air transport are all due to be affected, with domestic and European flights cut to a fraction of their usual volume. Spain has the EU's highest rate of unemployment. The country's two biggest unions called the strike to demonstrate against new legislation which makes it easier and cheaper for companies to fire employees. Protest marches are planned throughout the country during the evening. Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, leader of the CCOO, said the strike was "a just response to a brutal reform of our system of labour relations".

One protester in the capital Madrid, Maria Jose, said: "This labour reform was meant to protect entrepreneurs and what it really protects are big...

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Fundamentalist thesis

1. Communist Party (ml) of Romania is an organization Communist nationalist fundamentalists, the “gun” of the poor against the rich, the political and organizational arm of the New Proletarian Revolution.
2. Communist Party (ml) of Romania will drive away the bosses from the communist movement, the new aristocracy away of the labor movement, the privatization parties away from the movement socialist and the capitalism away the Romanian society. 
3. Communist Party (ml) of Romania will fully expropriate the New bourgeoisie of the Era of Ceausescu and post-Ceausescu and will abolish the private property.
4. Communist Party (ml) of Romania will establish the pluralistic socialism, the egalitarianism, the direct democracy, the self-management labor force and the planned competitive economy.
5. Communist Party (ml) of Romania will...

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Why this Countrywide General Strike?


People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)


No. 08

February 19, 2012


The working class of the country is gearing up for the all India general strike on February 28, the 14th general strike in the last two decades. The call for the general strike, on the basis of a ten point charter of demands, was given jointly by all the eleven central trade unions in the country.

It is for the first time in the history of our trade union movement that both the INTUC and the BMS have joined the other central trade unions to call for a countrywide general strike. In addition, many independent all India federations of workers and employees in different sectors like state and central government departments, defence, public sector undertakings, insurance, banks, telecom, road transport, port and dock and...

Komentar (0) Hits: 7392


Information for the communist and workers’ parties of the world

Information Service of the Communist Party of Serbia

Today Serbia is a martyr`s country which is deprived of its own identity, its own territory, history, its moral vertical on which it has been built; of its own economic prosperity, because it is the will of the domestic scum that rules Serbia and of their Western masters, as well, and all this in the name of one big media-propaganda-economic illusion called the European Union. Only idiots that are leaders in Serbia and the fake opposition, as well, push Serbia into the EU, the inevitable end of which can easily be foreseen.

Serbian cleptomaniacs that rule Serbia and their assistants, the fake opposition, have the task to ease the illicit state of Kosovo of its labour pains on the grounds of every-day concessions. The horror, being evidenced by the existence of the...

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Over the last few days, the media and representatives of certain governments traditionally committed to anti-Cuba subversion have unleashed a new campaign of accusations, unscrupulously taking advantage of a lamentable event: the death of an ordinary prisoner, which possibly only in the case ofCuba, is converted into news of international repercussion.

The method utilized is the same one as always: fruitlessly attempting, through repetition, to demonizeCuba, in this case through the deliberate manipulation of an incident which is absolutely exceptional in this country.

This so-called political prisoner was serving a four-year sentence after a fair legal process during which he was at liberty and a trial in accordance with the law, for a brutal physical attack on his wife in public and violent resistance to arrest by police agents.

This man died from multi-organ failure due to an...

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Još članaka...

decembar 22, 2018
imperio 10
Prilozi saradnika Neo Marx

Demokratija Američke Administracije - Saopštenje Vlade Bolivijske Republike Venecuele

Vlada Bolivarske Republike Venecue obaveštava da je dana 12. decembra, na konferenciji za novinare međunarodnih medija, predsednik Republike Nikolas Maduro Moros objavio niz informacija koje otkrivaju postojanje novog plana za podrivanje demokratske…
jun 22, 2018
Iz našeg ugla - KPS Neo Marx

Izdaja Srbije

Da bi naši čitaoci lakše i u potpunosti razumeli “igre” oko Kosova i Metohije i veličinu izdaje “srpskih” vlasti, moramo se vratiti malo unazad. Uvođenjem “demokratije” u srpsko društvo, izvršena je prva i najveća prevara. Dobili smo politikante pod potpunom…

Promena svesti

maj 05, 2018 11373
Srpska napredna stranka nije normalna politička organizacija.Od kako je stvorena…


mar 18, 2018 11541
Šteta je trošiti reči na beogradske ili bilo kakve „izbore“ u okupiranoj zemlji kao što…

Hajdegerova filozofija u svetlu životvornog humanizma

jan 20, 2018 18611
Studija koja se nalazi pred čitaocem nije proizvod stvaralačke radosti, već stvaralačke…

Komunistički Pokret Srbije - Karakter i ciljevi

nov 29, 2017 10678
Zar smo zaista toliko naivni da ćemo poverovati da će najpokvareniji i najnemoralniji…
