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( PKP-1930 )

(Philippine Communist Party)

e-mail : philcompar@yahoo.com

e-mail : parisantonio2001@yahoo.com



Embassy of the Slovak Republic

to the Republic of Indonesia

and the Republic of the Philippines

29 Jalan Prof. Mohammed Yamin

SH Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10310

E-mail : slovemby@indo.net.id

E-mail : commdpt@indosat.net.id


Mr. Ambassador :


We write to express our condemnation of the new anti-communist law being introduced in your country which contains provisions for prison sentences ranging from 6 months to 3 years for anyone who “denies, applauds or tries to justify” the so-called “crimes of the regime which was based on the communist ideology.”


As a party which previously suffered illegal and unconstitutional persecution on the basis of its communist ideology, the Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930) stands in solidarity with the Communist Party of Slovakia in the struggle against this affront to civil liberties and human rights. It is a shame that this new penal act being introduced in your country seeks to falsify the history of your country and of the former socialist community.


The inference that the former CSSR is a criminal regime is senseless, and can only come from the rabid conservatives in your parliament who choose to remain blind to the contributions of the former CSSR and the former socialist community in ending the scourge of unemployment and social inequality, in strengthening the international anti-imperialist movement and safeguarding world peace, in the liberation of colonial peoples, and in the moulding of a humane culture that is alien to the exploitative system of capitalism.


( PKP-1930 )

(Philippine Communist Party)

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e-mail : Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.



Embassy of the Slovak Republic

to the Republic of Indonesia

and the Republic of the Philippines

29 Jalan Prof. Mohammed Yamin

SH Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10310

E-mail : Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

E-mail : Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.


Mr. Ambassador :


We write to express our condemnation of the new anti-communist law being introduced in your country which contains provisions for prison sentences ranging from 6 months to 3 years for anyone who “denies, applauds or tries to justify” the so-called “crimes of the regime which was based on the communist ideology.”


As a party which previously suffered illegal and unconstitutional persecution on the basis of its communist ideology, the Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930) stands in solidarity with the Communist Party of Slovakia in the struggle against this affront to civil liberties and human rights. It is a shame that this new penal act being introduced in your country seeks to falsify the history of your country and of the former socialist community.


The inference that the former CSSR is a criminal regime is senseless, and can only come from the rabid conservatives in your parliament who choose to remain blind to the contributions of the former CSSR and the former socialist community in ending the scourge of unemployment and social inequality, in strengthening the international anti-imperialist movement and safeguarding world peace, in the liberation of colonial peoples, and in the moulding of a humane culture that is alien to the exploitative system of capitalism.

 It is an aberration that this new penal act, at its very core, is meant tocriminalize the struggle for socialism which is the only alternative to the crisis-wracked capitalist system. It is no surprise that virulent anti-communism becomes a convenient tool every time capitalist regimes are mired in crisis and need a smokescreen for their assaults on the living standards of the working masses.


The introduction of this new penal act aims to create a climate of fear and to silence dissent within your country. Thus we salute the determination of the Communist Party of Slovakia to continue the fight for a better and fairer system -- for socialism -- despite the menace of this mediaeval penal provision being introduced in your country.


Through your diplomatic representation, we therefore appeal for sanity and demand the immediate repeal by your government of this new but archaic penal act which is a disgrace to the whole of Europe and the international community.




General Secretary

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