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Communist Parties - Communist Party of Pakistan
In view to resist the fast drifting of Pakistan towards a Taliban tyrannical, violent state : the Communist Party of Pakistan founded a progressive committee of  left progressive political parties (SPC-Sindh Progressive Committee ),which include WPP ,CMKP ,APP,JSM ,LBP and some other left progressive regional parties ,in order to combat forcefully for the rights of working class and raise joint voice and actions over series of  other currently burning  issues ,regarding prevailing absolute lawlessness ,sky rocketing inflation ,rising self immolations ,suicidal attacks ,target killings of the progressive political activists ,kidnaps of the religious minorities men for hi ransoms and theirs young girls forceful conversion to islam , heinous massacres of the Ahmadi and Shai muslim communities ,rising religious bigotry ,extremism ,talibanization ,demonization of indigenous cultural values and languages and capitulation of the state’s 3 most powerful institutions i.e. ,civil ,judiciary and military establishment ,into the hands of Jehadist mafia .
Today on 17th April ,2012 the SPC ( Sindh Progressive Committee ) organized a spectacular protest rally in Hyderabad  Sindh  expressing solidarity with the victims of Hindu minority community in Sindh on their plight of daily kidnaps for hi ransoms, brutal murders and their young girls kidnaps and then forceful conversions to Islam as well  demanding separation of religion from the affairs of state .
It was a peaceful protest rally demanding the state’s protection  ,equal treatment and equal rights for its all citizens irrespective of their religious ,ethnic and cultural backgrounds ,as ordained in the constitution of Pakistan and the charter of human rights to which Pakistan is also signatory .
In the middle, the peaceful rally was violently attacked with sticks ,guns ,axes steel bars by a gang of “Sunni Tehreek” workers ,to which the police authorities present at the scene were mere bystander spectator .
Dozens of the political workers sustained very serious injuries ,and as by luck ,they were attacked in front of the Hyderabad press club ,where  upon majority of the peaceful protesters rushed inside it for  taking  refuge .
The law enforcement authorities despite taking stern actions against the goons of Sunni Tehreek ,which is a well known fanatic violent Jehadi organization, of which one member last year in January 2011,had killed Governor of Punjab ,Salaman Taseer , and many others , resorted to hand cuffed 40 of the victims of this brutal action  ,sending them to Jail ,instead of providing Hospitalization and medical care ,where they would be falsly charged under the prevailing most notorious blasphemy law ,which means life impresonment or death by hanging .
Such a shying away  irrational and biased behavior of the state authorities ,has overwhelmingly encouraged these fascist religious organization for  very audaciously wrecking  havocs on lives ,properties and honors of Shia ,Ahmadi muslim communities including  other religious minorities , progressive intellectuals and political workers .
The Communist Party of Pakistan ,strongly appeal to its all fraternal Communist and workers Parties for showing solidarity actions in front of the Pakistani diplomatic missions or if not possible sending protest and solidarity messages to  Pakistan’s foreign office, UN human rights bodies  and diplomatic missions in their respective countries ,so as to press the Pakistani government for protecting its helpless citizenry at the hands of Jehadist thugs .
Dr Shafiq Ahmad 
Coordinator ,International department 

Communist Party of Pakistan
Central Secretariat: D-168, Naseem Nagar Phase-III, Hyderabad, Sindh. 
Phone: +92-22-2654531, Fax: +92-22-2654531, Mob: +92-333-2714014, +92-

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