čet, jan

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Hyderabad (PR) : The judicial activism of the Supreme Court of Pakistan for quite a long time has been casting a soothing effect over the layman ,but in fact ,it is a clear manifestation of the deeply rooted contradictions ,existing among the institutions of the state .

The disqualification of the elected Prime Minister, by the Supreme court of Pakistan ,is a solid proof to this cognizance .
The Chief Justice’s recent sordid remarks against the spy agency “ISI” ,the Brigadier Ali’s court Martial case in light of the F16 pilot’s given evidences ,at the last but not the least ,the statement of Senator Mushahid in the national parliamentary committee for defense ,where he strongly observed that ,the Military establishment stands divided ,must be taken as quite authentic proof ,that things have direly gone wrong . Things would take more serious turns in the days to come ,when the newly appointed prime minister ,would also abstain ,writing to the Swiss banks against the president , and after that ,the opposition won’t be able to reach a consensus for an interim government and the chief election commissioner , obviously all the powers would be ultimately concentrated in the hands of the chief justice .
There a authentic speculations ,on whose behalf ,he ( the chief justice ) is acting ; that the ISI linked ,out law Hizb-u-Tehrir organization ,elements from the ISI of Zia’s legacy ,i.e. General Hameed Gul and his coterie are solely on the back of it .
The Polit -bureau of the CP of...

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Vašington, 24. jun - Sjedinjene Američke Države izdvajaju još 20 miliona dolara za subverziju na Kubi, kako se otkriva u pismu Stejt Departmenta upućeno Kongresu, koje je danas objavljeno u novinama „Novi Herald”.

Pismo, datirano na 26. april, otkriva detalje o nameni novca, koji će biti korišćen tokom fiskalne godine koja traje do 30. septembra. Novac će biti dodeljen od strane tri entiteta iz Stejt Departmenta: Kancelarija za Latinsku Ameriku i Karibe USAID-a (Agencija SAD za međunarodni razvoj); Kancelarija za demokratiju; Kancelarija za ljudska prava i rad, i Kancelarija za pitanja Zapadne hemisfere.

Ovo pismo je objavljeno dva dana nakon odluke zemalja ALBA (Bolivarski Savez za Ameriku) da sa svojih teritorija izbaci Agenciju SAD-a za međunarodni razvoj (USAID), jer predstavlja „faktor uznemiravanja koji ugrožava suverenitet i političku stabilnost” ovih naroda...

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Gobiemo Bolivariano

Foreign Ministers and representatives of the member countries of UNASUR, with the Secretary General of this Organization, traveled to the Republic of Paraguay pursuant to the mandate of the Heads of States of UNASUR, gathering in the city of Rio de Janeiro, June 21, 2012, in order to learn firsthand all aspects of the political situation in Paraguay. Therefore, they organized meetings with President Fernando Lugo.

Additionally, they met with Vice-President Federico Franco, with political leaders of various parties and legislative authorities, of whom unfortunately did not get favorable responses to the request for democratic process.

The Ministers reaffirmed that it is essential to have full respect for the democratic clauses in MERCOSUR, UNASUR and CELAC.

The Ministers consider that the current actions may be covered by Articles 1, 5 and 6 of the Additional Protocol to the UNASUR...

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Gobiemo Bolivariano

ALBA rejects the move for impeachment against President of Paraguay Fernando Lugo


We, the member countries of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, ALBA-TCP, reject the move of rightist sectors of Paraguav to initiate impeachment proceedings against the constitutional President of the sister Republic, Fernando Lugo.

This suit looks for the removal of President Lugo and for establishment of an illegitimate government in order to retrograde Paraguav to the old and obsolete political practices.

From the ALBA-TCP we reiterate our support for the democratic government of President Lugo, who can only be replaced by a vote of the Paraguavan people that elected him.

We call upon the Paraguavan people to defend democracv, reiterating that they have the support of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In the end, we urge all democratic nations of the world to...

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Mercedes Martínez o Konferenciji - Rio + 20 

RIO DE ŽANEIRO - Uoči samita UN o održivom razvoju koji se održava pod nazivom "Rio+20" pregovarači su danas postigli dogovor o nacrtu dokumenta sa smernicama za sledeću deceniju, a biće dostavljen svetskim liderima koji pristižu u Rio de Žaneiro.Cilj samita je Formiranje pakta o zelenoj planeti, koji bi milijarde ljudi izvukao iz siromaštva, a kako je agenciji AFP rekao jedan neimenovani diplomata, ''usvojen je nacrt dokumenta koji će biti predstavljen šefovima država i vlada".

Oko 100 predstavnika država i vlada trebalo bi da učestvuje na trodnevnom samitu 193 nacije, nazvanom "Rio+20", 20 godina nakon održavanja Zemaljskog samita u Riju.

Tim povodom, Njena ekselencija ambasadorka Republike Kube u Srbiji , Mercedes Martínez Valdés, dostavila nam je sledeću izjavu:

  • Konferencija Rio + 20 ne naslućuje istinsko, pravedno i...
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cuba flag

The U.S. government gave a private contractor more than $9 million for Cuba-related programs, but there's barely a mention of Cuba on the company's website. The Agency for International Development awarded the money to Creative Associates International from 2008 to 2010.

The first contract was worth $6.5 million. In October 2011, I filed three Freedom of Information Act requests for information about the company's work in Cuba (see letters here). I have not received any documents back from USAID yet.

There are only two mentions of Cuba on Creative Associates' website. One is the company's announcement that it hired Caleb Charles McCarry as a senior associate. Previously, he had been the Bush Administration's optimistically named "Cuba transition coordinator."

The second Cuba mention on the company's website announced the hiring...

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SR - Prevod

Convened in Havana, the representatives of 80 organizations of the Cuban Civil Society and international organizations based in Cuba, Aware of the need to suppress all acts of aggression and to promote peace and a just and equitable world order based on the Charter of the United Nations and the International Law, highlight our deep concern about the peril to the survival of mankind posed by the existence in the world of over 20 000 nuclear weapons and express our strong support to governments’ actions leading to the achievement of nuclear disarmament as well as to the prohibition and total elimination of said weapons off the face of the earth.


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Još članaka...

decembar 22, 2018
imperio 10
Prilozi saradnika Neo Marx

Demokratija Američke Administracije - Saopštenje Vlade Bolivijske Republike Venecuele

Vlada Bolivarske Republike Venecue obaveštava da je dana 12. decembra, na konferenciji za novinare međunarodnih medija, predsednik Republike Nikolas Maduro Moros objavio niz informacija koje otkrivaju postojanje novog plana za podrivanje demokratske…
jun 22, 2018
Iz našeg ugla - KPS Neo Marx

Izdaja Srbije

Da bi naši čitaoci lakše i u potpunosti razumeli “igre” oko Kosova i Metohije i veličinu izdaje “srpskih” vlasti, moramo se vratiti malo unazad. Uvođenjem “demokratije” u srpsko društvo, izvršena je prva i najveća prevara. Dobili smo politikante pod potpunom…

Promena svesti

maj 05, 2018 11386
Srpska napredna stranka nije normalna politička organizacija.Od kako je stvorena…


mar 18, 2018 11557
Šteta je trošiti reči na beogradske ili bilo kakve „izbore“ u okupiranoj zemlji kao što…

Hajdegerova filozofija u svetlu životvornog humanizma

jan 20, 2018 18636
Studija koja se nalazi pred čitaocem nije proizvod stvaralačke radosti, već stvaralačke…

Komunistički Pokret Srbije - Karakter i ciljevi

nov 29, 2017 10689
Zar smo zaista toliko naivni da ćemo poverovati da će najpokvareniji i najnemoralniji…
