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Gobiemo Bolivariano

Foreign Ministers and representatives of the member countries of UNASUR, with the Secretary General of this Organization, traveled to the Republic of Paraguay pursuant to the mandate of the Heads of States of UNASUR, gathering in the city of Rio de Janeiro, June 21, 2012, in order to learn firsthand all aspects of the political situation in Paraguay. Therefore, they organized meetings with President Fernando Lugo.

Additionally, they met with Vice-President Federico Franco, with political leaders of various parties and legislative authorities, of whom unfortunately did not get favorable responses to the request for democratic process.

The Ministers reaffirmed that it is essential to have full respect for the democratic clauses in MERCOSUR, UNASUR and CELAC.

The Ministers consider that the current actions may be covered by Articles 1, 5 and 6 of the Additional Protocol to the UNASUR Constituent Treaty on Commitment to Democracy, forming a threat of disruption to the democratic order by failing to have respect due to the process.

The Governments of UNASUR will assess to what extent would be possible to continue the cooperation within the framework. of South American integration.

The mission of Foreign Ministers reaffirmed their solidarity to the Paraguavan people and their support for the constitutional President Fernando Lugo.

Asuncion, June 22, 2012

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