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Millennium, has participated to the international conference held from September 4 to 6 at the Federal University of Paraíba, in the city of João Pessoa (Brazil).

The conference, focused especially on the foundations of the theory of geopolitics, on the relationship between it and the philosophical field, on the need for multipolar global order and on the development of the "fourth political theory", was attended by the founder and president of Millennium, Orazio Maria Gnerre, alongside the philosopher and theorist Alexander Dugin, the professor of the University of Sao Paulo, André Martin, the scholar and essayist Mateus Azevedo, and the expert in geopolitics Edu Silvestre de Albuquerque.

The topic covered by Orazio Maria Gnerre was "The sacral conception of the spaces": from the symbolic and archetypal interpretation of geography to the highest geopolitical categories.

The meeting brought to light the convergence of objectives of Millennium, of the Eurasianism and of the South American Meridionalism in promoting the transition to a multipolar global order and the creation of a fourth political theory, adapted to the historical context and capable of a radical reformulation of the same.

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