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canvas99Coordinator: Srdja Popovic - Ivan Marovic

Biography of Srđa Popović

He started out as a "pro-democracy" activist in Serbia by founding the group "Otpor" (Resistance), which led the protests that drove President Slobodan Milosevic from power in 2000. At that period the American services invested more than 100 million Dollars for that purpose.

Popvic then exported his nonviolent methods, helping train the activists who spearheaded Georgia's Rose Revolution in 2003 and Ukraine's Orange Revolution in 2004.

Srđan Popovic is deploying his new organization, called Canvas, even farther affiliate - assisting the "pro-democracy" activists who recently brought down regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, mostly through the use of Facebok, Twitter, Skyp and others mass social networks. Most of the mass social networks is use to recruit potential students, but that is not exclusive source for recruitments. Most of the candidate from foreign countries are recruited by US both Military Intelligence or directly by CIA operatives and "sleepers".

Role of CANVAS

Canvas was founded in 2003 and has trained dissidents in 50 countries, including Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Burma, North Korea, Belarus, and Iran.

In the late summer of 2009 the group collaborated with other NGOs to bring approximately 20 Egyptian activists - including some of those who later founded the April 6 movement that spearheaded the recent antigovernment protests - to Belgrade for a week of training on tactics they could use to promote change in Egypt. Veterans of Serbia's ...


Coordinator: Srdja Popovic - Ivan Marovic

Biography of Srđa Popović

He started out as a "pro-democracy" activist in Serbia by founding the group "Otpor" (Resistance), which led the protests that drove President Slobodan Milosevic from power in 2000. At that period the American services invested more than 100 million Dollars for that purpose.

Popvic then exported his nonviolent methods, helping train the activists who spearheaded Georgia's Rose Revolution in 2003 and Ukraine's Orange Revolution in 2004.

Srđan Popovic is deploying his new organization, called Canvas, even farther affiliate - assisting the "pro-democracy" activists who recently brought down regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, mostly through the use of Facebok, Twitter, Skyp and others mass social networks. Most of the mass social networks is use to recruit potential students, but that is not exclusive source for recruitments. Most of the candidate from foreign countries are recruited by US both Military Intelligence or directly by CIA operatives and "sleepers".

Role of CANVAS

Canvas was founded in 2003 and has trained dissidents in 50 countries, including Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Burma, North Korea, Belarus, and Iran.

In the late summer of 2009 the group collaborated with other NGOs to bring approximately 20 Egyptian activists - including some of those who later founded the April 6 movement that spearheaded the recent antigovernment protests - to Belgrade for a week of training on tactics they could use to promote change in Egypt. Veterans of Serbia's Otpor movement went on to create an organization that trains would-be rebels in the art of peaceful revolution. They trained one of the main youth groups at the center of Egypt's revolution, and believe that influenced the Libyan rebellion."It is likely that some Libyan youth groups got the idea on how to oust Gadhafi from the Egyptian activists whom we have trained," said former Otpor leader Srdja Popovic.

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Otpor and Canvas in Egypt

Symbol of Otpor in Serbia

Georgias Kmara

(Clear evidence of relations between Otpor in Serbia, Egypt and Georgias)

Petar Milicevic, the founder of Alternative to Europe NGO, helped with the training. He says he talked to the Egyptians about organizing campaigns, and how to use social media to reach both of these goals.

Canvas and country of operations

Currently Canvas maintains training programs for dissidents in :Egypt, Palestine, Western Sahara, Libya, Lebanon, Columbia, West Papua, Sudan, Eritrea, Belarus, Burma, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, Tonga, China, Burma and Zimbabwe , apart from those mentioned above. Otpor activists have set up the Centre for Non-Violent Resistance. After having helped youth movements from Tbilisi in 2003, they got in contact with Pora, the biggest Ukrainian youth opposition movement in the spring of 2004. In April there were even some eighteen young people that traveled to Serbia for a course on organizational and negotiation skills, street protest tactics, and how to monitor the elections to be able to fight possible fraud. Some of OTPORs members tried to travel to Kiev to join in the protest, yet they were stopped at the airport. Still, their experiences have helped youth groups to act, both in Tbilisi and Kiev. Although attempts to do the same in Belarus and Ghana failed, Otpor believes it was because the time was not right for it, but that in the future the same familiar images will arise again.

Canvas USA connections

Amongst CANVAS's current "partners" are the Albert Einstein Institution, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the International Republican Institute (IRI). The IRI includes amongst its board of directors John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Brent Scowcroft.

Taking a look at their activities and the overall globalist agenda, it is clear they are involved in regime change that will directly assist the globalists in their encirclement of Russia, China and Iran. For example CANVAS just recently opens specials section of their web site with updates and additional translations of Canvas publication in Farsi (Persian) language. The institutes and think-tanks mentioned above are directly linked to intelligence agencies in the United States for decades.

Relations to CIA & US. Military Intelligence (Network of CIA & US. MI operatives under the umbrella of so called NGO)

One of the key CIA operatives in the Serbia organizing and orchestrating huge network of CIA operatives and supporters is William D. Montgomery (58) very powerful man in Serbia. He is main coordinator of activities with two connected networks. One in US and one in Serbia

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The following year (May 2009), a delegation of Egyptian dissidents was received by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
 Neo-feminist Hillary Clinton makes a mess in Tripoli














US Network for financial and logistic support:

  • US Army Col. Robert Helvey, US Military Intelligence with close tie with CIA. He is master of FM3-05.30 and FM3-05.40 (Physiological Operations and Civil Affaires Operations).
  • Paul B. McCarthy from the Washington-based NED (Suspect CIA operatives)
  • Donald L. Pressley, the assistant administrator at USAID (Suspect CIA operatives)
  • Albert Cevallos of the USIP (Suspect CIA operatives)
  • Daniel Calingaert, an official with IRI (Suspect CIA operatives)
  • Gene Sharp, is Senior Scholar at the Albert Einstein Institution and founded the Institution in 1983 (Suspect senior CIA operatives)
  • Prof.dr Čedomir Čupić,
  • dr. Zoran Stojiljković, was born 1953 and he is consider as main assistant to dr Vukašin Pavlović.
  • Prof.dr. Vukašin Pavlović,
  • Srđa Popović, establisher of OTPOR and CANVAS,
  • Slobodan Đinović, establisher of OTPOR,
  • Živorad Anđelković, Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, (DS Party)
  • dr. Cynthia Boaz, University of San Francisco,
  • dr. Stephen Zunes, University of San Francisco,
  • dr. John Gould, Colorado college,
  • dr. Kurt Schock, University of New Jersey,
  • dr. Deborah Nutter, Fletcher school,
  • dr Mike Mc Faul, University of Stanford,
  • Robert L. Helvey, (the Mastermind)
  • dr. Janet Cherry, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • dr. Peter Neumann, King's College, London
  • Potential students will study following subjects:
  • How to conduct peaceful demonstrations;
  • How to attract as much as possible young people in demonstrations;
  • How to achieve status of non one but collective leadership;
  • How to avoid violence;
  • How to face violence from Security Forces;
  • How to provoke Security Forces with no violence;
  • How to organize to get people on the Streets;
  • How to deal and act in case of Police arrests;
  • How to deal with international medias;
  • How to achieve unity, discipline, and planning;
  • How to achieve tactics that are basic to any military campaign, but are usually ignored by nonviolent revolutionaries;
  • How to identify moments during a dictatorship that galvanize public anger: a hike in the price of oil, the assassination of an opposition leader, corrupt indifference to a natural disaster, or simply the confiscation by the police of a produce cart; In most cases, anger is not enough -- it simply flares out. Only a prepared opponent will be able to use such moments to bring down a government.

The core of this Network is organize in essence by (4th Psychological Operations Group - Airborne)

  1. PACOM Battalion
  2. 1ST (Psihological Operations Battalion)
  3. 3D Psihological Operations Battalion - AIRBORNE
  4. 6ST Psihological Operations Battalion
  5. 8TH Psihological Operations Battalion
  6. 9TH Psihological Operations Battalion

It is predictable that all above mentioned units are engaged in Secret War against China , Russia and Iran as one of the three ultimate targets of US (State Department) Policy.

Special Attention to Mr.Steve Hanke. American cititizen but with German origin. Financial expert. US Government engage Mr.Hanke in all turbulent zones and countries most of the times he is present in countries before the overthow of the regime and he leves country upon establishing "marionetic government". He is very well know in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Nikaraguva, Panama, Zair.. ..etc.. .and most recently in the East European countris such as Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Russia etc.. .Steve Hanke is associated with many organizations. One of notorius organization suspected that it was established as "cover" organization for CIA operation is Democratic Century Fund. DCF operate under the National Democratic Institute (nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government). Mr.Steve Hanke is also associate with Franch Intelligence Service (DGSE) particulary with Mr.Patric Faure. One of his specialities is dealing with huge ammounts of falsificate money (Case Nigeria, Serbia and Kuwait).

Serbian network for special operations

Educational institutions (infiltration of CIA in Serbia)   

cedomir-cupic vukasin pavlovic

Čedomir Čupić

Vukašin Pavlović

Čedomir Čupić a professor of University of Belgrade -Faculty of Political Science is one of the key supporter (one he was presidential candidate on behalf of "OTPOR" as well as prof.dr Vukašin Pavlović who is considered as long time CIA "sleeper" in Serbia infiltrated into educational system. Vukašin Pavlović nick name is "black eminency" of the Faculty of Political Science with close ties with US Embassy in Belgrade. CANVAS and Belgrade Faculty of Political Science (FPS) in Belgrade are to continue the specialized graduate university course "Strategies and Methods of Nonviolent Social Change". This course was established with intention to cover operations and to gather students from targeted countries. One of the main goals is to export CANVAS knowledge transfer program, in reality means "how to destruct sovereign government in targeted country".

Under the "official" supervision of two above mentioned professors CANVAS and Faculty of Political Science of the University of Belgrade are organizers of the Special Studies (post graduate course) with following title: Strategy and Methodology of non violence social change. In the practice of the World of Security and Intelligence Warfare Nonviolence social change is called as Special War. In reality all is under the US Secret Service supervision. The main person in charge is US Army Col. Robert Helvey. Lecturers:

1.Political Power,

2.Social conflicts - kinds and models of resolving,

3.Strategic Planning,

4.Steering of non violent campaigns,

5.Methods and tactics of non violent action,

6.Chalenges in the Process of Building of Democracy;

Tuition: 1000 EUR but CANVAS will provide for 10 best students all free of charge (pay by US).

The Special Studies duration is two semesters (one year), but creator of this Special Studies provide also a short time studies such one or two weeks speed curses. The main goals of this short time courses is to "educate educators". Students are carefully chosen by US Intelligence network and they are learning strategies of non violent revolution and how to organize people, but this time not on Internet, but on the streets. Also, most importantly, students are learning how to train others.

The most important methods:

Important notice: There was several attempts by above mentioned professors to gave student as subject of their work China related issues, such as Tibet, Uighur, Catholics etc...

Slobodan Homen













Political activists and institutions involved in CIA operation Slobodan Homen

He was borne 19.04.1972. He is current State secretary in the Serbian Ministry of Justice. 2001. he graduates John F. Kennedy School of Government Executive Network Program. He was one of key establishing member of Otpor in charge of finance. Today, he is controlling daily newspaper "Kurir" after he was engaged in arresting of the original owner Mr.Raja Rodic who is even today in jail because he witted constantly articles against DS and G-17.

 Saša Vukadinović

He was born 12.01.1972 Currently Head of Serbian Secret Service. He was "appointed" to this post by Srđan Milivojevic because of his role in "Otpor".

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Srđan Milivojević

He was born on August 2, 1965 in Krusevac. Prominent member of "Otpor", agricultural engineer. He is member of Serbian Parliament (DS) Boris Tadic Party.

 Nenad Konstantinović












He was born 9.7.1973. (incidentally Homen's close relative) went on to a notable career within the Democratic Party (DS). Currently he is Head of Administrative Board of the Serbian Parliament.


Ivan Andrić











He joined the Civic Alliance of Serbia (GSS) and later Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) where he became its MP. He is considered as one of the establishing member of Otpor and great supporter of Canvas. Together with Dejan Randjic also former member of Otpor, he established private company under the name Gistro advertising". This company has following clients: Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Health, Office for communication of the Serbian Government, etc... He personally participates in special operation worldwide including one in Lebanon 2005.

Slobodan Dinović












He became the CEO of Orion Telekom, telecommunications company that was formed through merger of Internet providers Mediaworks, SezamPro, and Neobee. He was born 1975. Since 1994, he was a student leader and was a co-founder of the OTPOR!("Resistance!") movement. Expert in telecommunications technology and policy in transitioning countries. He is currently completing a Master's degree at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University). Chairman of the National Committee of the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies since 2004. He is one of the main fundraiser of CANVAS. He is considering as one of the key CIA operatives at CANVAS.

Srđa Popović











He is Adviser of the Vice President of the Serbian Government. He was born in 1973. A student leader since 1992, and a co-founder of OTPOR! ("Resistance!") movement that helped finish the Milosevic era. Executive director of the "GOTOV JE!" ("He is Finished!") national campaign in Serbia in 2000. A prominent member of the Democratic Party since its founding, member of the National Assembly from 2000 to 2003, and a Special Advisor to Prime Minister of Serbia, Zoran Djindjic. Executive Director of the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies since 2004. He is one of the key CIA operatives in Serbia.

Andrej Milivojevic, was born in 1974. As an undergraduate, Andrej worked in Otpor's American branch. After graduation in 2000, he returned to Belgrade and worked on a number of development projects, including on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper in the Ministry of Social Affairs. He holds a Master's in Public Policy (Goldman School, UC Berkeley), and is currently pursuing a PhD in the Departments of History and International and Area Studies (UC Berkeley)


Ivan Marović











He lives in US and he is creator of the video games (strategy) designated to overthrow dictators regimes worldwide. His specialty is influence on youth. He is considering as key CIA operatives in CANVAS. He personally participate in special operation worldwide including one in Lebanon 2005.

Dejan Raniđić
 Dejan Ranđić












He was born 19. 08. 1972. Currently he is member of LDP and member of City Parliament of the city of Belgrade. He was one of establisher of the OTPOR and in charge of marketing.

 Ms.Milja Jovanovic

Milja Jovanovic was an Otpor activist. She is currently an art director and head of the adult learning department in a PR/consulting/marketing agency based in Belgrade.

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Branko Ilic













one of its founding members of OTPOR and recruiter.

Vlada Pavlov

He is employed in the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Serbia and currently he is on service in Kanda as Serbian diplomat there.

Ana Djordjevic was born in 1974. An interior designer by training, with a decade of experience in graphic design. A founding member of the team that devised OTPOR!'s initial creative strategy in 1998, including the hall mark fist symbol. Lecturer at BK University in graphic design, teaching studio classes using DTP software (2003­2005). Created and developed the visual identity of CANVAS since 2004.

Bogoljub Arsenijevic Maki, leader of the Civic Resistance from Valjevo as well as prominent member of "Otpor". He was borne 12. April 1955. in the city of Valjevo.

Milos Gagic, currently he is President of Executive Board of Democratic Party in Vojvodina and member of Parliament of Vojvodina (Autonomous region of Serbia)

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From OTPOR to CANVAS - Serbian political elite














It is no secret that there are forces in our country that have been acting for years in order to ensure the quick and efficient success of American geopolitical and economic interests. Having established a network of so-called NGOs (while in fact financed by foreign governments), these forces have infiltrated all aspects of society, from politics and the economy to the military, the judiciary, the media, and the educational system. Ostensibly fighting for general cultural an civilization values, these NGOs aggressively propagate current American positions as the unquestionable truth, immune to criticism.

One of the earliest such organizations was Otpor and later on CANVAS - Center for Applied NonViolent Action and Strategies. Otpor was established in October 1998 as a student movement, thanks to the efforts of Srda Popovic, and transformed into the People's Movement in early 2000.

From its inception, however, Otpor was funded by the International Republican Institute (IRI), which employs a number of former American military, diplomatic and intelligence personnel. Otpor's American funding was documented by the New York Times, as well as Paul McCarthy of the National Endowment of Democracy (NED), who confirmed that the Endowment has spent $3 million in Serbia since 1998, mostly to fund Otpor. In a similar vein, USAID has spent $25 million in Serbia. In 2004, the Otpor coordinatr in Subotica requested an inspection of Otpor's finances from 1999 onward, due to the suspicion that Otpor leader Slobodan Homen (today a State Secretary in the Justice Ministry) and his cousin Nenad Konstantinovic misused some $10 million in funding from the US.

According to American sources, Otpor received over $2.6 million in funding prior to October 5, 2000, and another $800,000 from February 2001 to November 2002. However, there were additional $2 million earmarked for specific campaigns (Fighting Crime, Fighting Corruption, Laws Today, Whose Fault Is It, etc.). One of the activists testified in 2001 that all Otpor activists would be issued propaganda material (t-shirts, flyers, stickers and posters), a cell phone, and $130.

To prepare for their mission, members of Otpor were trained in courses organized by the U.S.-funded NGO (NED, Soros foundations) all of them consider as shield of covert CIA operation and had support from certain media in Serbia. Otpor leadership attended training sessions in neighboring countries, organized by the retired U.S. Army Colonel Robert Helvey, an expert in subversion (e.g. organizing and managing mass protests, resisting police, overthrowing governments without using violence, etc.). This information was made public by Aleksandar Vulin, when he appeared in the TV show "Piramida" on November 16, 2008.

More information about the specific activities of Otpor and its leaders emerged in June 2002, in an open letter by one of Otpor's founders, Vuk Malesevic, to the Kragujevac magazine POGLEDI. Along with the attached official document from the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, detailing the funding of "Serbian" NGOs, Malesevic said in the letter: „The Student Initiative (SI) was one of the strongest organizations formed after the student protests in 1996-97. Their funding was provided by the Soros Open Society Fund. Certain SI members, who were frequent guests at the German and American embassies, directly dealt with Fund director Sonja Liht. Yet the most interesting financier of the organization was a CIA asset in the USIA. He signed a memorandum with SI representative Dusan Vasiljevic, at the US Embassy in Belgrade on June 27, 1997, for $6,780 in cash for promoting the interests of the U.S. government. The SI fell apart soon thereafter. The cooperation with the U.S. Embassy was first suggested by the future leaders of Otpor, Slobodan Homen and Nenad-Neca Kecmanovic.

Otpor members were trained by CIA

Otpor members were trained by CIA officials, through a network of NGOs. Retired Army Col. Robert Helvey, CIA's highest-ranking official in Burma between 1982­1984, was the principal lecturer to Otpor trainees in Budapest and Montenegro (where Neda Arneric also lectures on behalf of the Center for Modern Skills).

In March 2000, IRI paid the travel expenses for 20 or so Otpor members to attend Helvey's lecture. By the way, as IRI representative Daniel Calvingart (sp?) notes, the Institute has spent around $1.8 million in Serbia. Part of that money went to Otpor. USAID has spent around $25 million, of which several hundred thousand went to Otpor as well.

Another little-mentioned person involved in the establishment of Otpor was George Ward, a specialist at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP). He was a high-ranking CIA official in Germany (1989-92) and Namibia (1996-99). Also serving at the USIP is Daniel Serwer, former CIA, who took part in the creation of the Muslim-Croat federation in Bosnia, and organizing activities in Kosovo. Sonja Biserko was a visiting fellow at USIP. USIP's partner in Serbia is the European Movement, and together they have organized several seminars."

Further describing the activities of Otpor, Malešević wrote:

"The division occurred at the meeting of the Crisis Committee (the managing body of Otpor), held the same evening when William Cohen said on CNN that 'Serbia's spine needs to be broken'. Srda Popovic (a student then, under the DOS regime he became MP for the Democratic Party [DS] and later Deputy Minister for the Environment) chaired, as usual. Popovic used to say that we should send the underage kids to provoke the police, because the pictures of beaten-up children would win the media war for us. It was the firt meeting at the offices of a political party (at the DS HQ in Srpskih Vladara street). Suddenly, Boris Karajičić (student, former member of SI, and a frequent guest at cocktail parties at the U.S. Embassy since 1996) and Jovan Ratković (today Coordinator for the Stability Pact) appeared. With the blessing of the U.S. government, without the Crisis Committee approval, the two of them signed that evening an agreement with USAID to put Otpor under the patronage of the American government. Two weeks later, the state of imminent war was announced. Karajicic was asked to show the said document, but he only gave it to the DS sympathizers, a clique led by Srda. To the rest of us, he only gave some USAID flyers. All of the Otpor founders from the Law School left the meeting, except for Marija Rudic. When the bombing began, almost all advocates of the American option left Belgrade. Some even sought refuge in friendly NATO countries, though it remains a mystery how they crossed the borders when the country was at war. Srda Popovic used to say then that the fight against Milosevic was impossible without overseas allies. [After the war] some of those Otpor members who went abroad returned to Belgrade and set up offices in Knez Mihajlova [downtown], beginning their heroic struggle with full wages, titles and assistants. The infamous Milja, who had only then appeared, used to arrogantly lecture us old hands, who had started Otpor from nothing, about our duties and who our superiors would be (herself and Srda, of course). We even received certain business offers."

In conclusion, Malešević wrote: "As far as I know, none of those who opposed the selling out of the movement to the US would continue to work in the new Otpor National Movement. Ivan Marovic (who now produces computer games in Washington, DC) is one of the 'new' Otpor cadres. Back in 1998, Marovic would say 'there's no money in it; I want to graduate and can't be bothered to work with Otpor.' When the pro-American forces took over in 1999, and the organization started receiving money and CIA instructions, he became interested. Marović was the man who yelled "Serbs, let a Croat teach you something!" at the Student Parliament session in 1998. At that time, he and Malisa Hristodulo (later an MP for Zarko Korac's SDU) fought hard to remove the Serbian flag from the protest and stop singing the Hymn to Saint Sava. Back then, they failed. But in Otpor, he and Rastko Seic succeeded in getting rid of our flag. The worst part is, he and Hristodulo took part in the Albanian student demonstrations in 1998, protesting the Serbian sovereignty over Kosovo. Ivan Marovic threw rocks at the Serbian police on that occasion. Many Otpor members followed Srđa Popović into the DS (ruling party of the President Boris Tadić), and became public officials without being qualified. Otpor was good business for them. It is a disgrace that people like that run the country now." [end of letter]

After the October 2000 events, Otpor transformed into a political party. In the 2003 election, they suffered a complete fiasco, and merged with the Democratic Party in 2004. One thing merits mentioning here. Secretary of State Colin Powell announced in January 2005 that the U.S. would deny Serbia aid in the amount of $10 million, allegedly due to "noncompliance" with the ICTY. Meanwhile, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said that $73 million in aid will reach "organizations and projects dedicated to reform that are outside of government control." Presumably from the Black Ops fund.

If the information cited above is correct - and it has not been denied or disproved, even partially - one can only imagine the cynicism of the news clip that was shown on RTS evening news on November 13, 2008, about President Tadić receiving a delegation of former Otpor members on the 10th anniversary of Otpor's founding. Since Otpor has long since merged with the DS, this was blatant self-promotion of the President and his party.

Members of the Otpor delegation were Miljana Jovanović (designer, who once also confessed that Otpor was funded and trained from abroad), Branko Ilić (also designer), Slobodan Homen (DS member), Dejan Ranđić (LDP), Ivan Andrić (LDP), Srđan Milivojević, Jovan Ratković, Srđa Popović (now a University professor), Slobodan Diković, Nenad Konstantinović (DS), Predrag Lecić, Vlada Pavlov (now works at the Foreign Affairs Ministry), Stanko Lazetić (City Inspector, Novi Sad), Nenad Petrović (designer), Milos Gagić and Siniša Sikman.

After receiving the delegation, President Tadić told the media that Otpor "had a major role in democratizing Serbia, when these young people took great risks to fight for democratic values; we can say that they were successful." He also said they had discussed the political, economic and social situation in Serbia, and that he sought their critical opinions and advice. President Tadić then said they were responsible people who understood political reality now as a decade ago.

Two days later, the President attended an exhibit about Otpor, set up at the Old Palace. Speaking of political reality, would not the former Defense Minister and now President have to have knowledge of such a "NGO" that was in reality an agency of a foreign government? Especially since it has become such a major part of his own party? Or is he so certain that the people of Serbia have short memories? Unfortunately for him, there are people who do remember, and find his fawning over Otpor curious when he did not have time to attend the important anniversaries of the Serbian Academy of Sciences or the Kolarac Endowment, one of the greatest Serbian cultural foundations. The promotion of Otpor and its anniversary was pure selfish political marketing for the President and his party. Perhaps it is not sufficiently "European" to support the Academy of Arts and Sciences as the repository of national knowledge and learning, or national cultural and endowment heritage that might - the horror! - promote patriotism. Their foreign masters consider this absolutely undesirable and a waste of precious TV minutes, paper and ink.

The foreign understanding of Serbia's democracy is illustrated in the RTS report about Sonja Liht, former Open Society Fund director and now leading a NGO called "Fund for Political Exceptionalism", receiving the highest French decoration, the Legion of Honor. In the words of the French Ambassador, she received the medal as "the embodiment of all the values of civil society, which best represent the European future of Serbia and exemplify her personal dedication to the European way."

It is the right of every sovereign country to decorate the citizens of another country at its own discretion, of course. The French policy towards Serbia over the past decade has been uniformly destructive, however. So have the political and other activities of Sonja Liht and her old and new "NGO". But the ceremony was attended by the current Defense Minister (and DS deputy chairman) Dragan Sutanovac. Why?

But it gets better. In 2002, Marović and Popović established a separate "NGO," with an English-language name (Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies -CANVAS), in order to transfer the lessons they were taught by American instructors to other "activists" around the world. Their "students" have been from Egypt, Palestine, Western Sahara, West Papua, Eritrea, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Tonga, Burma and Zimbabwe, as well as labor, anti-war, and immigration rights activists in the United States. Their ultimate goal is Russia and China. It wasn't enough for them to subvert Serbia for the benefit of foreign governments - they have used Serbia as a center for subverting other countries around the world in the exact same manner. Their involvement with American activists suggests that parts of the U.S. government are openly subverting their own country as well. To paraphrase Tacitus, they engage in treason and call it democracy.

Important Intelligence notes:

1. There is serious indication that OTPOR and Canavas cooperate and support organization under the name YIHR - Youth initiative for human rights. YIHR is founded and largely staffed and financed by Scientologists, its stated mission is "To teach youth around the globe about human rights, thus helping them to become valuable advocates for the promotion of tolerance and peace.

2.Special attention need to be direct to following organization as well: The Sea Organization or Sea Org is an association of Scientologists and Dianetics (is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body that was invented by the science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard and is practiced by followers of Scientology).

Almost all members of CANVAS (Otpor) in Serbia enjoy Government protection as "protected individuals". Furthermore, most of them are politically active as member of Parliament or prominent members of Government. That situation create picture that all of them and whole operation is consider as Government of Serbia activities to bring down governments in foreign countries.

Important notice: Most of targeted governments did not recognize Kosovo and Metohija independence. Looks that Serbia working against self.


New finding CANVAS and jihadi activities

There is info that one group of European based Uighur passed special training in Belgrade in 2010 organize by Vukasin Pavlovic, dr Zoran Stojiljkovic and dr.Slavisa Orlovic in the Faculty of Political Science - University of Belgrade. It is still unclear role of dr Slavisa Orlovic, but dr Vukasin Pavlovic is long time CIA operatives. His direct contact with US Embassy in Belgrade is done by Ms. Stojanovic Draginja employed in US Embassy in Belgrade (Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.). All money and financial construction is done by donation and grant of US Ebassy via Democracy Commission Small Grants Program and USAID. The name, number and any data of Uighur students is not available -it is a secret.

One of the instructor and person who visit students was SAFET EKREM DURGUTI

Title: na Designation: na DOB: 10 May 1967 POB: Orahovac, Kosovo Good quality a.k.a.: na Low qualityva.k.a.: na Nationality: Bosnia and Herzegovina Passport no.: Bosnia and Herzegovina passport number 4725900 , issued in Travnik on 20 Oct. 2005, valid until 20 Oct. 2009 National identification no.: a) Bosnia and Herzegovina national identity number JMB 1005967953038 b) Bosnia and Herzegovina identity card number 04DFC71259 c) Bosnia and Herzegovina driving license number 04DFA8802 issued by the Ministry of Interior of the Central Bosnia Canton, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina Address: 175 Bosanska Street, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina Listed on: 26 Dec. 2003 (amended on 16 Sep. 2008, 24 Mar. 2009) Other information: Father's name: Ekrem. Founder and head of Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (listed under permanent reference number QE.A.71.02.) from 1998 until 2002. Reportedly located in Bosnia and Herzegovina as at Dec. 2008. Also reported to travel often in the area of Kosovo. Working as a teacher at Elci Ibrahim Pasha's Madrasah, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina since Oct. 1994 to the present day (as at Dec. 2008). New info. He was taken off from the list of Terrorist by US State Department despite the fact that he was terrorist instructor in charge of indoctrination and special training and that he was one of the establisher organization Vezir. Durguti was leading an organization known as "Vezir" or "Vazir."The UN and US allege that Vezir is little more than a front for the al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, based in Travnik, Bosnia, where Durguti was last sighted. Vezir and al-Haramain were heavily supported by Saudi charities and members proselytized the fundamentalist Wahhabi strain of Islam. Safet Durguti establish great network in Turkey with connection with Esast Turkestan Muvement. Via Albanian network in Switzerand he is in touch with borothers Bahtiyar Mahmud and Arkin Mahmud.

Highly ranked western source stated: From 4 steps against China the first two was made:

1.It is created network of agents (agents of influence) with special assignent - creation of so called „rezonant box". All of this new agents passed special curses in Europe and Central Asia during 2010. It is expected that network will be fully operational in China between 2020-2025.

2.It was secured source of finance.

Canvas is one of several organization engaged. It is to expect much more at least more from CAVAS. Their focus is located at Uighur and Tibetans as well. As it is visible main targets are youngster particularly students. According to intelligence findings there is direct link between Srdja Popovic and Slobodan Djinovic with Lhadon Tethong, and Tenzin Tsundue. They are in direct e mail contacts. Same with the contacts in Arab world particularly in Egypt with so called Egypt Rebuilding Campaign.

Safet Durguti work closely with Al Qaeda web portal based in Bosnia www.putvjernika.com and there is footage under the title" Hunting Muslim in China" at http://www.putvj ernika.com/forum/vij esti-i-aktuelni-dogadjaji/kina-lov-na-musl imane-t1289.html

   egipt disident

Soly Yehia

Ayman Nabil

Khaled Hamad

Nosir Mohamed

Egyptian connection

The Safet Durguti and his network try to influence European Uighur in Europe as well as in Turkey. He is not simple radical islamist. He is trainer with special knowledge of brainwashing and training of radical islamist. Safet Durguti by several intelligence report is in relation with Abu Yahya al Libi who was mujaheddin veteran of Afghano-Bosnian war. Abu Yahya al Libi was connected with Abu al Mali, military commander of Bosnian mujahidin. Abu al Mali according to intelligence sources has code name "Vazal" which in translation means "Servant".. .to CIA. The general conclusion is that Safet Druguti, Abu Yahya al Libi and Abu al Mali are in the network of CIA regardless of official US State Department list designation. Fact that Safet Durguti was remove recently from UN Security Council Watch List, fact that Abu Yahya al Libi support openly removal of Colenel Gadafi in Libiya and fact that Abu al Mali is CIA operative show big suspicion on future activities in reference with Uighur. Abu Yahya al Libi speak fluently Urdu and Arabic language.

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