To the Congress of Communist Party of Cuba
Dear comrades,
We are sending our best wishes and greetings to all participants of the Congress and we wish you successful and productive work. We are aware that Cuba has passed the hard times throughout recent history to fight for freedom and the independence. You must know, also that The Communist Party of Cuba has the true friends in the Communist Party of Serbia.
We wish you all the best and the great success in the future work.
Greeting from,
Ivica Kostic, secretary of the Communist Party of Serbia
To Secretaria de Embajador
Vaša Ekselencijo,
Sa velikim zadovoljstvom pratimo rad kongresa Komunističke Partije Kube.Ovom prilikom želimo da izrazimo još jedanput veliko zadovoljstvo što u Komunističkoj Partiji Kube i Vama lično imamo iskrenog prijatelja.U ovom za sve nas teškom vremenu, kada su Američki imperijalizam i njegovi pomagači krenuli u napad na sve slobodne zemlje sveta želimo da podržimo tekovine Kubanske revolucije i borbu kubanskog naroda za slobodu I nezavisnost..
Sa dubokim postovanjem,
Članovi sekreterijata:
Vojislav Radojevic, Ivica Kostic, Adam Simonovic, Zeljko Tripcevski, Saša Milosvljaević